Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week seven : Self portraiture - 'urban'

Life handed me a 'busy' card for a couple of weeks -  the wet weather didn't help either, so hence the gap in blogging.

From time to time I ask myself, "why am I doing this self portraiture stuff, what's the point?"
and then I remind myself that it's a journey of creative discovery - both of my camera/photographic skills and about knowing what stimulates and interests me, about expressing my artistic talent.  For a season this self portraiture serves as a tool to grow my skills, giving me a freedom to explore without restraints from anyone else.

I sense the stirrings of God in me as I create and capture images. For me to visualize and create an image is almost as rewarding as the final photo.

This week reflects an 'urban' theme, which ended up more challenging than I'd thought.
I wonder if living in a city would have made it easier to capture this, or at least given me more variety to choose from ..... or am I finding excuses??
Anyway, I think it's been a good exercise in growing courage - it definitely takes courage to get out amongst people, where they can see and interact with you.

(Remember to double click on photos to enlarge/ hit backspace to return to blog)

This photo taken at the local skate park was fun - at least the creative mental process was. On the day I had about one hour without rain, if that, so it held some challenges but I was very happy with the outcome.
I had a passer by who said "hello miss, what ya doing?" ...

Considering we live so close to the 'red shed' I figured it represented an urban image in our town. For obvious reasons I wanted to capture an outdoors photo. Needless to say I preferred being outside in the carpark!

For this next shot I couldn't get a busy town scene, with lights and crossings, so as always we improvise and use what we have. A quiet Sunday afternoon was my friend as I had to negotiate with getting a clear strip of road to get this.
I love this shot - for just a moment I look half my age - with the cropped version that is!

I was inspired by a friend to add some movement into my shots, so these two are for you Neil.  I almost chickened out of doing it but like most things, the fear of it is far worse than the actual event, which I really enjoyed.
This is my first attempt at capturing some blur effects - I like the feel of movement created with my foot and jacket - I've given you two variations to enjoy.

I had loads of fun with the last shoot. I found two guys working for Inframax who were keen as to play along with my idea and made it happen for me. My concept was to create a scene where I was only partially 'suited for the job', the other part being a gal in high heels and fishnets!
I hope you laugh with me, not at me, as I think these photos are funny and I'm glad I did it!


I'm continually challenged to overcome my fears - in fact I'm a strong believer in this statement of mine that has helped me over the years -
         'if you can face your fears, you'll encourage others to face theirs'

Growth only happens when we use what we have.
(it's time for you to take your 'seedling ideas' out of their 'packet' and get them growing!)

Moments..... become memories - so take lots of photos, especially of the ones you love.

I've taken my friend Joy's quote to heart -
         'dare to be a little eccentric'     - I'm trying!

1 comment:

  1. Love the shot of the high heels and the road workers gear!! The movement with the trolley is good, but my favourite is just "the legs" :-)
