Saturday, June 25, 2011

Self Portaiture : Week Five - 'Props'

The idea of using props as a theme, means that while it is still self portraiture the actual prop should be the main focus. Hence I have endeavoured to remain somewhat out of focus in all the photos this week.
I thought this would be easy enough to do, however all required plenty of patience once again!

I've enjoyed the 'thinking process' of finding props and the creativity that follows. I guess over time I will invariably add more to my collection of bits and pieces - I seem to be always watching out for them these days!
The weather hasn't been kind for outdoor work this week, so I took my opportunity on one day, to do two photo shots - very thankful I did.

My first photo of the week turned out to be a mission actually, mainly because I had trouble getting the focus where I wanted it and while I spent much time on this, I still haven't achieved my ideal here.
Anyway... the prop was the hat, but being black it doesn't feature quite so prominently as if it had been a lighter colour.

Note: to see photos enlarged, double click on photo - to return, press backspace)

A visit to a local playground was next and I was able to take advantage of the sunshine! Fortunately the place wasn't over run with children and I had it all to myself.
I was pleased with this photo which seems to capture a nice balance of light and interest.

This next one will get a few laughs for sure! 

Offically, this is now my second attempt at planking to date!

When a friend gave this fox fur to me I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Don't you love the gleem in the fox's eye!                   

(click on the photo's to enlarge them/ backspace to return to blog)

It was back to my 'makeshift studio' for this one, trying to capture a little bit of mystique, using the fan as my prop.
I like the light in this one, both on the fan and on my cheek. I felt I had learned to use my lights more effectively on these shots.

I've given you a second one - Ali's choice - which do you prefer and why?

This last photo was filled with challenges - namely our cat!

She is not always the most loving and even less the most cooperative cat around, but she became my prop none the less!  If only she was in a mellow, sleepy state but no ... so, I tried to get what I wanted and came close, at least the idea was creative.


Most 'art' takes more work than you realise or appreciate.
Patience is a virtue.
Creativity is in my blood!
My housework is suffering - but it won't ever be fully done!
Photography wise - I have so much to learn - but I'm ok with that.

A quote that I'm stirred by -

'Good photographers take great pictures; great photographers create images.'

Friday, June 17, 2011

Self Portraiture : Week Four - 'Sitting' continued

This week started with a note of indifference, uncertain of what to do and as nothing jumped out at me saying 'this is it,' I decided I really wanted to do another week on 'sitting'.
So here we go!

Monday began with a premise of an idea, which got amended in the process but in the end turned out ok. Not my favourite of the week but still it's about exploring all possible avenues and learning from it. I've given you three photos to look at.

On the same day as the above I had inspiration for Tuesday.

While visiting a local secondhand shop I noticed two modern white barstools. Upon asking, the kind lady let me borrow one overnight. My vision for this photo was more of a studio image. Not having a studio with all the lighting gear, could have been a deterent, but innovative kiwi's can do all things! Our large projector screen came in very handy as a backdrop and while the lighting could definitely be better I think I still achieved a pleasing photo. 

On my driving around town I'm continually watchful for photo shoot places and opportunities, so it was with delight I found this next one - some empty sheds at the rear of the railway.

I knew exactly what I was wanting and thoroughly enjoyed achieving a good shot.
While on location I had a man come over asking me what I was doing. I told him I was doing self portraiture and his comment was "Who'd want to have a photo done with a rubbish bag!"

So here I'm 'sitting' as a homeless person, perhaps... ?

Thursday was probably my hardest day.

Primarily, I didn't have a clear thought out objective and it took effort to find a suitable place. On top of that, try perching your tripod on the side of a hillside, with wet slippery leaves underfoot, and then achieve the 10 second window of time that I have before the camera goes click!  It's quite a mission - but hey, I'm enjoying it, so no worries.

My last shoot for the week was great fun.

An early morning visit to the local repertory society saw me decked out in an outfit suitable for the 1914's. What a treasure chest of goodies I could find there!

Once again I had stumbled onto a suitable venue and the owner of the car went the extra mile for me. Arriving there I found the car all washed and ready for me - he really deserved more than the bar of chocolate I had bought for him.

While it was loads of fun, there were issues of placement, meaning I had to avoid background issues all about me. Of course the fact that the car had to be free-wheeled into position, made it just a tad more difficult, to ask for it to be moved again!  Oh the joy of it all!

Anyway I'm pleased with the results. I've used a sepia tone to enhance the 'oldness' of two of the photo's.


I've decided a 5 day week is sufficient to achieve progress.
Having a clear plan for the day is SO helpful.
I would love to have proper lighting for studio work.
Being creative is half the fun of it - new ideas are refreshing!
People are amazingly supportive and interested in what I'm doing and that's big!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Self Portraiture : Week Three - Sitting

I choose 'sitting' for this week, another huge topic. Actually I may even revisit some topics or continue to do another week on it. Ideally it would be good to do a second attempt at the same photos and see how I could improve them ... the possibilities are endless ... the time, a little more limiting? I hear my son saying "you've got all the time you want!" ha ha.

I love black and white, so you'll frequently see me use it. I find it so often enhances a photo, eliminating too many possible distracting elements. My first photo was intended to be a bit quirky and contemporary, the modern woman enjoying her 'day out shopping'. I've given you two photos here - tell me which you like and why?

Te Kuiti has to get a mention somewhere, so this next photo is capturing Te Kuiti Rail Station. I was thankful that no one was there but funnily enough someone doing painting on the bandstand saw me returning to my car with all my gear/props and asked what I was doing. I replied I was a photographer doing some work - he said " what, in Te kuiti!" Bit of a laugh aye.
I thought the elements of colour really enhanced this one with otherwise duller surroundings.

Another creative idea was to try and capture the 'office girl', at least me sitting with my laptop! My learning curve on this one was that I really needed a wider backdrop which I only realised when I came to crop the photos. My dear husband has made me a portable frame out of PVC piping but I'm yet to work on getting large enough backdrops.
However, the opening of the suggestive window in my opinion still works as it's showing where I'm looking ( instead of attending to business! )
Once again I've given you two photos as I have a short week - going away for 3 days.

My last one this week has to be cafe time - ah, a good cup of coffee to be enjoyed!
So the intent was to create a mood of relaxation so the out of focus effect suggests a laid back look - I think. 
The weather was very dull and cloudy on this day so when I saw a break in the clouds I took it - wow, it only lasted for 1 hour and then was gone. I love the autumn tree colour and green gingham tablecloth - all in all it brings a nice balance. Yes??

Monday, June 6, 2011

Self Portraiture : Week Two - Colour

The theme of colour seemed to be a pretty open choice for my second week, with plenty of scope and possibilities.

After my second week I've learned lots, mostly what not to do, like the discovery that I could use my tripod to take a portrait photograph - umm silly me had been perching my camera on top of a book, on top of the tripod. But then, hey nobody had showed me what it could do and basically I hadn't used it up until now. So my first photo by the tree had me precariously balancing my camera, then trying not to slip over once the timer was set due to wet leaves underfoot! At least I'm being honest!


So now for something a bit wacky ... but fun. I randomly decided to buy a $4.50 wig with the intent to use it as part of my 'silly' photos and I loved it!   Made me feel energetic and young. See what you think of this.

Following the colour theme gave me a last chance to capture something of autumn's fading glory so I went walking around the river banks.
The hard part was getting something at the right distance to focus on, since I had to do the quick 'run thing' and sort of guage where I would be. I was a bit disappointed with my efforts and quickly realised the time of day wasn't ideal.  The old midday sun thing!  All the more learning!

My initial thought for this next one was to imitate a fire side glow in a darkened room - you know, a quiet glass of wine in a cosy atmosphere. Well with only a gas heater all I did was get hot!
I was stretched to get the right light and virtually gave up on my original idea. However the end result was ok. Not great but ok.

It's interesting to observe how we change depending on what we wear, perhaps our environment?
Here I was in a summer colour mood.

My final photo for this week was to capture a more formal pose - you know the more mature look.  So here's my attempt at supporting my American bound son, hence the American flag - trying to look somewhat regal.

So at the end of week two, I can see reality hitting hard in that I know I won't make the one photo a day ideal, but that's ok, and I'm just going to continue however often it works out.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Self Portraiture : Week One - 'Hands'

Week one began 21st May 2011, so hence I'm doing a catchup to get this current.

I chose 'hands', mine that is, for my first attempt. I guess it would be an understatement to say I didn't realise how much time and thinking this would all take but on the positive side I thoroughly enjoyed myself and found my 'creative juices' getting a delightful 'wakeup' call!

 Capturing the musician in me ... 

Capturing a quiet moment...

 Bringing out my mother's jewels - nice

The journey begins...

My photographic journey really began in earnest on our overseas trip in 2010. Who could not help but revel in the amazing opportunities to photograph our amazingly beautiful world. Hence I arrived home with something like 2500 photos! Not to shabby!

Those photo's remain another story... another time.

This journey however, begins with a good friend, whose encouragement saw me to believe I had talent as a photographer, worth pursuing and developing. Next I took the plunge (instead of the usual procrastinating about doing it sometime...) and downloaded an Ebook on self-portraiture - umm.. something had caught my attention here.

The challenge was put out there in this book to - maybe take a self portraiture, one a day for 365 days! You're joking of course... not really ... or you could do one a week, or really whatever equated to growth and progress - after all that's what I want.
So yes I've started this journey................. fully realistic after having done 2 weeks that I'll be more likely to manage 3-5 days a week.

We'll all see, won't we....